Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Night the Dog Ate Pizza

So we finally finished that man cave and moved into it. Me and my brother have been sleeping in it for the past few nights. We have a TV in there and we're planning on building a bar and putting a mini fridge by it. We are quite enthusiastic and excited about it.

One of my buddies couldn't help us out the last few days we worked on it. He and his family marched off to disneyland at this month so he wasn't available. He told me and my brother to save the last nail for him when he gets here to pound it in so he could say he helped.

All we need to do now really is to get a nice couch or loveseat to put in there. We don't really have enough seating for too many people to watch TV yet but but we don't have a ton of space either.

We'll have a lot of good times in there.

Oh, and if the people who have been reading these don't understand why my headings don't have anything to do with the actual blog, I'm just letting you know I do acknowledge that and I'm not doing it for any reason at all in particular.

Oh, also if anyone of you have heard of Steve Martin or his book Cruel Shoes don't ever read it. It's a piece of crap.

Also nobody ever search anything on Wikipedia ever again.
