Friday, April 29, 2011

I'm Uber Bad

So sorry I haven't posted in awhile. I've been procrastinating.
It really isn't fun to blog you know? I mean sure it's a good opportunity to improve on my typing skills and it's a good outlet if you're bored. But it really isn't all that fun.

So not much has happened since I last posted. We did go on that rabbit hunt and we did get some rabbits and I must sat my new rifle did not disappoint. It performed perfectly.

We're almost done building that man cave too. We finally bought the rest of our materials and we're good to go. Our friend Ken is coming over on Sunday to help us finish it and we're oh so excited.

My grandpa also gave us a new TV to put in it once it's done so that's pretty uber as well. I was thinking about getting an old game console to play some of the old games on. You know what I'm talking about like Mario, Donkey Kong all those games. I've never actually played the old ones so it'll be kind of fun to get them.

I really don't have much else to say now. Like I said nothing has really been happening lately.

The weather is getting nicer here though... I though that was nice.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The beauty of killing wabbits

So I'm going rabbit hunting again this week. I don't know if I mentioned our first hunt in any of my previous blogs so just to fill you in, I'd gone on a rabbit hunt last month. We were hunting in the dark and it was cold and miserable so we're going this week since it's spring in the hopes that it'll be a bit warmer.

I am also hoping that my new shotgun will hold it's own against the vermin than my other gun did. Five 410. rounds in my cylinder is way better than 10 in a 22. especially when it's too crappy to fire.

Last I heard, we are making the trip over to Christmas valley on Friday. We'll stay for the weekend. Last month we got about 20 rabbits in one night. My friend's dad says they usually get about 50 on a good night. It's more pleasurable when it isn't so cold also.

This is still only one of the first times I've gone rabbit hunting. I've gone in Idaho with my uncle on his property a couple of times and I've gone with my friend and his dad last month. So I'm still a beginner at this sort of thing.

I don't have much going on really but if I ever do it'll end up here. :)

Oh, and I do have camp coming up. If that little tidbit interests you I guess you just won the prize.

If you haven't already guessed, there isn't much that I do. People are often asking me things like what my hobbies are but in reality I have none.
I'm not complaining though. I am quite happy regardless of the situation I'm in.
I suppose I've been given the blessing of finding contentment when there is nothing joyful in my life.

Perhaps this may be the greatest joy I could ever have received. If it were possible for all other people to find joy when there is no joy the earth would be a whole lot better place to live.

Perhaps I'll challenge the rest of you pleasant individuals to do the same thing that I strive to do if it pleases. Try to find peace and joy. Even in your darkest hour. Strive to find the good in your life. Look at all of the blessings you have and just for a second stop consuming and be content.

You see the problem with us modern Americans is we think that everything is owed to us. We are all wrong in our thinking. We really are no better than the rest of the world. We may be even worse in a lot of ways.

We are in so much debt right now that there is no chance of us getting out any time soon. Yet we just keep spending. The decisions that my beloved country's leaders are making is eventually going to make me move. We have more power than we deserve.

Many countries hate us because we are known as slovenly lazy fatties with too much power. Our government is becoming corrupt and they are doing things that are dishonest.

Talking about my country this way may be going a bit too far so I'll stop now. Just know whoever reads this just how I feel.


Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fules

So, good news. I was able to trade that crappy gun for the exact model of carbine that I wanted. I'm pretty happy. The gun is perfect. I enjoy it's performance and it has an exceptional feel to it. I really have no reason to be unhappy at this point so I am not.

So it's April fools today and everyone is updating their relationship statuses as a joke. As of today exactly four of my friends went from "single" to "engaged". Congrats guys but we all know you're full of it.

I completely forgot it was April fools earlier and the updates caught me off guard. I may sound like I am invincible to April fools jokes but I proved myself otherwise today.

My lack of respect for the power of an April fools joke may be traced back to the first April fools joke ever told to me.
I was about 10 and my mother told me she was gonna pull and April fools joke and even told me what it was gonna be.

She told me the night before that she was gonna come into my room and pretend that it was a school morning even though it was Saturday. She did that the next morning and I wasn't fooled. From then on I thought I was unfoolable. I'm not of course.

I'm actually pretty gullible. Once there was an Iranian guy that my family knew and he would always play the same dumb little trick on me every time we saw him. He would point to an area on my shirt and say something like..."What in the hell is that?" and when I looked down he would jab me in the eye with his finger.

I haven't seen that Iranian guy in awhile but next time I do I have got to remember his tactic.
